Archive for July 22nd, 2016|Daily archive page

That Little Thing Called Love

Chipotle Isn’t Everything


Have you ever looked at something over and over and each time you look, it is different? It amazes me that something you see everyday can change and never be quite the same as it was before.

The sky.

Not only is it ever-changing, but it can also tell you many things. A storm rolling in. Rain coming down. A really hot day. Beauty. Peace. The perfect day.

If your life is anything like mine, aka busy, taking the time to admire God’s work is something that does not happen often. But when you do take the time to glance at the sky, the beauty catches you by surprise.

I mean come on, it is BIG. It is hard to miss. It is always there. A constant. No matter where you are, or what you are doing, the sky will always grab your attention.

I was walking with my husband…

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At Least Dinner Doesn’t Keep Me Up

Journey to the Udon Kingdom: Getting to Takamatsu

Summer’s End

Poetry on the run

Our memories,
once so sharp and short,
now litter the landscape
with the bones of our hopes.

It is strange,
knowing an end will come,
how we could live so long
as if nothing would change.

It was spring,
the sweet early days of June.
We did not feel the slide
to the end days of August.

Nights are cold now,
Days shortened to shadows.
Change has passed us,
we drift in its wake.

Somehow even now
we still cannot see
what went wrong,
why we are dying so soon.

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Pain is Temporary-Pride is Forever: Climbing Kilimanjaro

Irene in Tanzania

I have never climbed a mountain, so naturally, I decided that the tallest mountain in Africa would be a great place to start.

Note sarcasm.

I actually didn’t think too much about it when my friend invited me to volunteer in Africa and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. I was so excited leading up to the climb. I knew it would be difficult, but I had no idea what was in store for me. This is my Kilimanjaro story.

I distinctly remember the first time I laid eyes on Kilimanjaro. My jaw dropped. Even in that moment of seeing how massive it was, I don’t think I fully understood what I had set out to do.

I went with my good friend Elizabeth (who had invited me along) and another volunteer, Ashley. Our guide (Athumani) did a quick gear check to make sure we had everything, then we got onto a bus….with…

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