Archive for July 12th, 2016|Daily archive page

Holidays with a tiny one.


So, we recently took our first plane ride with the chunky monkey in tow. After this a few people have asked about the journey with the baba so here it is!

I was so apprehensive about the flight. Up to now, I’ve been able to control things with Noah and I think it’s kind of a protection thing. My thoughts were if he hated the journey or the pressure hurt his ears- I couldn’t stop it or just say lets get off. With all this in mind, I can say the journey I took in my mind before the flight was ten times worst than the real journey.

Loaded with toys, what seemed like hundreds of bottles, milk powder, ready made milk and endless baby rice; we finally got on the flight at a very early 6am. I say very early as we had to be at the airport for…

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The Legacy of My Father


“The Legacy” by Susana Maria Rosende

My father, Alberto Carlos Rosende, Sr.,
was a big influence on my life, both personally and professionally. He instilled in me the values of family, hard work, integrity, and the importance of having goals in life and never giving up, no matter the obstacles. He also inspired me to earn a university degree.

Born in Havana, Cuba in 1926 to a working class family, my father learned at a young age that earning an advanced education was essential to gaining financial security. After receiving a scholarship to the University of Havana, he endured hardships (such as lacking bus fare or lunch money and needing to share college text books with his twin brother) to earn his Civil Engineering degree.

His engineering career was curtailed in the early 1960s when he chose to leave Cuba during Fidel Castro’s revolution and was then rejected for engineering…

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Finding Your Castle

christine buyce

Rainy days and Monday’s are both glorious reasons to write in a castle. My beach towel is by my side as I head back from the pool to sit in the bar lounge alone listening to wonderful French words flowing out of friendly conversation in the other room. The people are beautiful. Ok, I heard fromage. It is a discussion that includes food. I love listening to it and wait to understand even one word, however it does not matter as they all are a treasure. I am enjoying the style and not having to interrupt the words, their laughs and different voices tell the story. They converse in an orchestrated dance taking turns as are birds chirping from time to time to emphasize the beauty of this moment.

They are my fellow castle guest. I am in my writing space with grand doors and chandeliers. They have left and…

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Whatever the Weather…

more quiet spaces

Have you ever had a little ditty suddenly spring to your mind out of nowhere? Today, I suddenly found myself remembering the little weather poem I learned back in grade school.

“Whether the weather is cold,

or whether the weather is hot.

Whatever the weather we’ll weather the weather,

Whether we like it or not.”

Maybe it surfaced because I’ve been looking at the weather channel. It seemed as if every story was about some terrible weather event that is happening. If it wasn’t a terrible weather event, it was weather that was totally apart from the norm. Typhoons, tornadoes, hail storms, floods, heat waves, and cold snaps – they were all there.

I know that weather is not easily predicted – just ask any weather person on the news cast and they’ll agree – but we seem to have moved into a new era of weather. Right now, we’re in…

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Unlike the poor mole I am still alive


We found an excellent hotel in Waldshut which was in the Kaisar Strasse. This a pedestrian only area with lots of good restaurants, cafes and bars. All did not look good in the morning with the sky full of rain. The bright moment of the morning was meeting Caroline who has promised to come biking in Africa when she has finished her studies in November.
We had hardly crossed out of Germany into Switzerland when the rain started in big time. There was nothing for it but to take off our shirts, man up and get going. Luckily it was not cold but it kept raining all day. I had trouble with my gears on my bike which Henry managed to fix. Then he nearly had a disaster on a longimageimageimage down hill when his breaks failed. Together we managed to fix them. In fact it was a seriously hilly…

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Just one little thing


It’s been a strange few days.  Some pretty rough storms early last week canceled our plans for the 4th holiday so that we stayed home and watched east coast fireworks on television and then tried to get some sleep between the neighbors blasting fireworks.  Okay, only once a year so we can deal with it.  More storms the next day knocked out the electricity from mid afternoon until about nine thirty the following morning.  It was a long hot night without the air conditioning. Great timing from the electric company restored power about half an hour after we got the generator going and plugged in to the necessities (fridge and television).

With creature comforts restored we could catch up on the news.  What a shame that the only way to stop hearing the same old politics on all channels is for tragedy to strike.  And strike it did.  First two black…

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Zurich in the rain

mexicans in switzerland

After the heat of our first days we were happy to have a cool, rainy day in the forecast. In retrospect, a bit more sun and warmth would have been good for our day of exploring in Zurich. Despite being mocked by my family for packing an umbrella in our shipped goods, having an umbrella was very essential today. Alas, the shipped boxes have yet to be released here so the essential umbrella is just out of our grasp.

Regardless of our soggy state and my increasingly frizzy hair, we enjoyed Zurich immensely. Like so much of this journey so far, the beauty around every corner is astounding. Today’s foray to the big city was for the purpose of getting the kids’ passports finalized.

Attending our appointment at the Swiss passport office. Shiny red passports should arrive in the main in 4 days.
With the business complete we set about…

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