Archive for July 23rd, 2016|Daily archive page

Columbia valley


We rode south into invermere for a picnic lunch and swim at popular Kinman beach park. After building a sand castle complex where many invaders died, we said goodbye to Zane and Rahul.

We followed the west side road. Much less traffic and slow lopy hills to ride over. Distance between trees is much greater so we had many open vistas of the lake and Rockies beyond. We camped in a bend of the Columbia river at the spruce grove cg in Fairmont.

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Grand Canyon, Arizona

Australia 2024

We left LA to make our way to Palm Springs and the landscape changed very quickly. Suddenly there were vast plains of rock and sand surrounded by large barren mountains and a vivid blue sky. Not much grows in these conditions except for cacti, Joshua trees and creosote bushes. The Colorado River is the source of life for this dry Arizona desert. The landscape didn’t change for hours, then suddenly the green paddocks of alfalfa and date palms suddenly woke us from a little slumber because the change of colour in the landscape was a surprise.
Palm Springs – an oasis in the desert and a population of 42,000 and 354 days of sunshine a year. As we hop off the air conditioned coach we step into a sauna of 112 degrees Fahrenheit or 41 degrees Celsius. The first sign that we are in a rather hot climate was that…

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A Day in Solace

The True Cost (2015) Thoughts and Stuff

things you dont see


I have just done watching a documentary film about clothing. About fast fashion industries. About the true cost of it all. The True Cost has opened my mind on a lot of things. I know that some countries in the third world are in bad conditions but I have never really cared about them. I didn’t know what happen in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, or China.

Just to be clear, I live in Indonesia my whole life. My country is a developing country too but it’s not as bad as Bangladesh or India. And I think I have to say that I’m like an American minded person. I was born in a world that was introduced to technologies–21st century technology. I was born where everything needs to be done fast and cheap. I like everything to be done fast and cheap. I prefer that way. Turns out everyone likes that too…

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Saturday Morning Stroll


We are enduring a bit of a heat wave in  Buxton at the moment. Lilly the Collie finds the heat oppressive, but this does not stop her wanting to play frisbee and chase her ball about.

The fact she has the equivalent of a heavy sweater on makes little difference. She would run and chase until heat exhaustion forces her to stop.

So when it is this hot, we go out early. Having checked out a badger sett locally, I decided that a walk around Green Fairfield would be a good idea, so packing up a couple of bottles of chilled water and some treats, we set off.

The first port of call was to the old Waterswallows quarry. The wild flowers on the hillside that overlooks the old quarry, now filled with water, are stunning.

The photographs don’t do them justice and I am no botanist, so I cannot…

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The Face of an Eating Disorder

For Emma and Ever

what does an eating disorder look like?

many people probably picture an emaciated looking woman with a tape measure wrapped around her waist and a scale permanently at her feet

and believe me, I have been there

but eating disorders are so much more than this narrow-minded, societally driven image

true, for me it involved a thin, frail looking frame with bones that jutted out at sharp angles and stood out against my pale, sickly looking skin

underneath which my body was working fervently to try and survive as I slowly but surely attempted to kill it

it started out as a desire to just be healthier, born of a dissatisfied and warped perspective of how I looked and who I was

I still remember the first day I stuffed my sneakers and workout clothes into my backpack along with my notebooks

and I also remember the days where I…

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Anchorage – Part 1


The travel day to Anchorage was a very long day.  We spent 8 hours on a plane and an overall 11 hours of travel with a 3 hour time difference.  We were fried when we finally arrived at the hotel late that night…. well, it was after 10pm Alaska time, but the sun was still up!  The sun set around 11pm and rose again around 5am.  It was so strange to see people walking around outside so late in the day, but it felt like the middle of the day. This would definitely take some getting used to if we were going to be here for an extended period of time.

There is SO much green!  It’s beautiful country!  And we’re happy to be in cooler temps again.  We spent 1 full day in Anchorage before traveling to spend a week in a cabin at Denali National Park.  We’ll be…

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A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Target.

We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we…

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The Circle of Life

malakhai jonezs


The pride, tentatively, walked to the waters edge to lap up a cool drink on a hot night. Breaking the calm, water thrashed about, reaching forward, pushed by the violence, thespray lashed out in all directions. Eachanimal near the water’s edge instinctively reacted, as taut muscles sprung each escape. Missing it’s mark, the waters gathered back over the crocas it receded back under the surface, resetting it’strap.

At the top of the hill, stood a lone lion surveying the activity. Panting in the heat, bobbing his head, he dropped it below his shoulders, as he began to walk down toward the watering hole. Taking it all in as he approached, processing the cues, he stepped to the bar. ”What’ll it be?” Asked the rhino, dressed in a red vest and black tie.

He replied, “I’ll have a vodka on the rocks.”

“Thanks! Keep the change. And here’s the tip.”


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